6th KreativEU meeting in Trnava, Slovakia

27 Apr 2023

On the 23rd to 25th of April 2023, the KreativEU consortium met in Trnava, at the Trnava University, Slovakia, with all partner institutions represented. During the transnational meeting, the partners discussed the strengthening of the consortium, including, among other strategic topics, the promotion of mobility of groups of teachers, researchers, and staff in common scientific fields.

During the meeting, the promotion of mobility of groups of teachers, researchers and staff in common scientific fields, the creation of an internal space for sharing opportunities for mobility of researchers, the creation of a list of scientific journals published by KreativEU partners, the creation of a consortium scientific journal, the research projects competition following the open call for research proposals funded by the Romanian National Research Plan, the twin-win reinforcement in the partnership between regions and universities, as well as the creation of a Blended Intensive Programme that use innovative ways of learning and teaching, including the use of online collaboration (pedagogical innovation / wines). 
