Transnacional meeting in Istanbul, Türkiye

02 Apr 2024

Transnacional meeting in Istambul, Turkey

From 2nd to 5th of April, the transnational meeting of KreativEU - Knowledge and Creativity European University took place in Istanbul, Turkey, with representatives from the universities that are part of the consortium. During the meeting, a protocol of cooperation was signed with Yildiz Technical University (Istanbul), expanding the network of associated partners.

During the meeting, a summary of all the work carried out by the KreativEU Alliance was presented, namely the mission and vision, the specific objectives, the submissions made, the face-to-face meetings, the projects submitted, the BIPs, the events held and to be held within the framework of the consortium, the collaborations established, the creation of the booklet and the website and all the work in progress. During the meeting we discussed the current status of the projects we are working on together and the planning of new projects.
